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Gateway To Egypt


The Rafah Border Crossing: A Lifeline for Gaza

Gateway to Egypt

The Rafah Border Crossing, also known as the Mabar Rafaḥ or Rafah Crossing Point, is the only crossing point between Egypt and Palestine's Gaza Strip. Located in Egypt's North Sinai governorate, it is a vital lifeline for the people of Gaza, providing access to essential goods, medical care, and the outside world.

History and Significance

The Rafah Crossing has a long and complicated history. It was first established in the 1950s as a point of transit for Egyptian workers traveling to Gaza. Following the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel occupied the Gaza Strip, and the crossing was closed. It was not until 2005, after Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, that the crossing was reopened under the control of Palestinian security forces.

Since then, the Rafah Crossing has been a frequent target of Israeli closures and restrictions. These closures have had a devastating impact on the people of Gaza, limiting their access to essential goods and services and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the territory.

Recent Developments

In May 2021, following the latest round of violence between Israel and Hamas, the Rafah Crossing was closed again. However, in June 2021, it was partially reopened to allow the passage of humanitarian aid and essential personnel.

The reopening of the Rafah Crossing is a significant step towards alleviating the suffering of the people of Gaza. However, it remains to be seen whether the crossing will be able to operate on a sustainable basis and provide the people of Gaza with the access to the outside world that they so desperately need.

